Bilder från förra veckan, denna vecka har jag inte gjort något alls. Tittat på en hel del Poirot. Väntar på en av mina systrar som kommer och hälsar på under hennes höstlov. Får se vad vi hittar på./Pics from last week. This week i haven't done a thing, except watch a lot of "Poirot". Now i'm waiting for one of my sisters that are coming to visit me during her autumbreak :D
3 kommentarer:
There is nothing better than watching Poirot and looking pretty (as you most certainly do)
-Andi x
Ah sa flott! <3
Andi: oh thanks but i've been living in my sweatpants all week :D haven't had any where to go this week :D
Rascal: tack :D
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